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How to convert image files to vector format

The software i found to do this is called kvec and can be downloaded here. At the time of writing a software could be used for 30 days as shareware and then $25 dollars to register

Once you've downloaded the file extract the contents into a folder. Then copy the files you want to convert into the same folder. Then issue the command: "kvec". For example to convert a gif file named blocks.gif to a hpgl plot file which have a .plt extention you'd type "kvec blocks.gif blocks.plt".

Here's an example of a test file i created to try out the software.

The input file (blocks.gif)

What the blocks.plt file looked like when i opened it in my cnc milling software. The white lines represent where the router would route out.  So anything that is black in the image file is routed around. 

I'm sure there are a lot of ways to do this. I wanted to convert an stencil that for dad and this is the quickest way i found. If you know of any other software especially freeware that is available please let me know and i'll update this guide


 Image Resolution Considerations


Make sure you save the image at a resolution that the hpgl device supports.

For example, my equipment is a Bungard CNC milling machine.  It's control software allows a Route Coordinate of .1 mil, 1.0 mil, 0.025mm, and 0.010mm.

1 mil = .001 inches
Resolution measured in DPI which is Dots Per Inch == Pixels Per Inch

So, in order to get my CNC machine to route something of the same size if i choose 1 mil as my route coordinate then my my resolution needs to be:

For a resolution of 100 dpi:
(100 pixels/inch) * ( 1 inch / 1000 mils ) = 1 pixel / 10 mils = 0.1 mils <-- is my route coordinate

The following table shows a listing of DPI to their respective routing coordinates.

DPI         Route Coordinate

100        ->   0.1 mil
1000      ->   1 mil
1013.43 ->   0.025mm
2533.56 ->   0.01mm



Using my particular software i need to export at 337dpi