This guide is intended for someone who is trying produce gerber files to send out their PCB design to a board house like PCBExpress or Advanced Circuits. The information on this page is information just to clarify some of the things that are unclear from other tutorials on the web.
Eagle How To Export Gerber Files Tutorials:
File Extentions
Send the following files to your board house:
boardname.whl - wheel file
boardname.cmp - Gerber file for component side
boardname.sol - Gerber file for solder sideb
boardname.plc - Gerber file for silk screen cmp - Gerber file for solder stop mask cmp
boardname.sts - Gerber file for solder stop mask sol
boardname.drl - drill configuration
boardname.drd - drill data
Don't send the following (which may in any case be deleted):
boardname.$$$ - Gerber file, generated while generating wheel file (EAGLE users only)
boardname.gpi - info file for gerber output
boardname.dri - info file for drill data output
Note about PCB Express' Extentions
PCB Express uses different extentions!
Naming Files:
To speed up the process you may right-click and rename both the file name and extension without harming the file format (renaming is optional). or .L1 (top gerber) or .L4 (bot gerber)
partno.dri (NC Drill)
partno.tol (tool list, may not be needed if embedded in drill file)
partno.apt (aperture list, may not be needed if embedded in gerber files)