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Tips for using Eagle PCB


Symbol Size - set grid to .1 and have pin spacing to have a pitch of .2 (every other grid line has a pin)  this will help create a symbol that has a size similar to the other symbols on your schematic

Symbol Name - By default in eagle a device has a prefix of U$ while you're editing your device change this to U so your parts are labeled U1, U2, etc rather then U$1, U$2...

Finding Parts - i used to think that the search function was worthless in the add part dialog because it never finds the part i'm searching for.  For example if you type "cap" you'd expect it to match capacitor but it doesn't it only matches whole words.  So if you want to search for capacitor do cap*.  Also for many TTL chips use stars for any of the letters in the package names put starts everywhere at the beginning after the 74 and at the end.  Using the '*' liberally will then find the part you're looking for.