Creating Libraries in Eagle
Library Editor Screenshot:
When you first open a library in eagle a blank library editor window appears. So the first thing you do is select whether you are adding/editing a device, package, or symbol.
Package Editor Screenshot:
Information on Breadboard Spacing:
This information is useful when you're developping a package which could be placed on a breadboard. (I.E. dip packages, misc passives which you want your own package for, etc.)
Each hole is .1" apart and each drill hole size is .032" in diameter
Symbol Editor Screenshot:
Image accidently deleted... coming soon.
Device Editor Screenshot:
Prefix - By default in eagle a device has a prefix of U$ while you're editing your device change this to U so your parts are labeled U1, U2, etc rather then U$1, U$2... Note: you don't have to make it U make it something appropriate to what your device is... (i.e. R for resitor, L for inductor, etc)