On this site you will find information about my current projects as well as some useful guides and references for anyone interested. This site will aim to give back to the technical community by providing project details and guides similar to those which have helped me over the years. Additionally, i hope this space will help document my work in order to combat the loss of information which occurs as soon as I stop working on one project and start working on the next.

Popular Pages:

the following list is for some of the most popular content on this site.

  • (Dev|B)log

    My blog articles. This is where the bulk of the content created after 2006 has been put.

  • Project Gallery

    Contains a list of picture galleries of some of the projects that i’ve worked on.

  • Eagle Library’s with corresponding Digikey Part Numbers

    A directory of Eagle PCB Layout Libraries. Included is a partlist spreadsheet which gives a description, the distributor purchasing information, and which libary, device and package to use.

  • PCB Design

    Links to the PCB Design section of the guides on this site which has an Eagle PCB tutorial, a Step-By-Step guide to making a PCB using an isolation milling machine such as the Bungard CCD or LPKF protomat, and some other useful tutorials.

  • How to Setup a Website with Your Own Domain for < $10 / Year

    Is a step-by-step guide on how you can register a domain, setup free dns hosting quickly and easily using my javascript bind configuration file generator designed for use with Granite Canyon’s Public DNS Service, and then how to get it all working.

  • Parallel Port Programming

    A guide on how you can program in C to interface with the parallel port. Unlike some other guides on this topic, this guide explains everything involved. Ideal for students and electronics newbies.